BOLD BOLTS! Colorful metallic screws for bolt-on style toe stops and toe plugs:
・Sold in Pairs
・Color: Metallic Blue
・Material: Electroplated Steel
・Thread Size: 5/16″
・Threads per Inch: 18 UNC
・Available in Long or Short Stem Lengths:
・Long: 1-1/8″ (for use with bolt-on toe stops)
・Short: 3/4” (for use with bolt-on toe plugs)
NOTE: Colors are achieved through electroplating, a process which creates an even layer of metal coating on the surface of the bolts by means of electrical current. Although this is a much higher quality of color application than paint or other superficial finishes, customers should be mindful when using tools to tighten or remove the bolts, as metal-on-metal contact can still cause scratches and cosmetic damage to the coloring.